Everything you need to know about finding your next job.
Company research, first contact, interviewing, and more.
👋 1. Introduction
A quick introduction about this course.
- My journey to getting multiple job offers
- Setting realistic expectations
- How to find your way in a broken hiring system
- Why this approach works and traditional methods fall short
- Course overview and goals
🧠 2. Develop a Winner's Mindset
In this chapter I'll talk about the most important piece of the puzzle - your mindset. How you think about yourself impacts the way others perceive you.
- How to project authentic confidence
- How to get to the best opportunities, which are typically under the table
- Shifting from passive to active job searching
- How to transform rejections into valuable connections and future opportunities
🎯 3. Strategic Company Targeting
This strategy only works when you've done your homework. I'll show you what you need to know and how to use the information to create a targeted campaign.
- Understanding your ideal company profile
- How to spot companies about to enter major growth phases (before they post jobs)
- My recommendations of tools and resources for company research
🤝 4. The Art of Connection
To increase your chances of getting a response, make sure you pick the most interested person and show them social proof that you are exactly who they need.
- Identifing the exact people who can hire you (not just HR)
- Picking the right platform for your outreach
- How to find the right email address to reach out to
- Turning cold outreach into warm introductions through strategic networking
📹 5. Bring Your Candidacy to Life Through Video
In this chapter, you'll learn how to utilize all the resources to create a professional video that makes you the obvious choice for the job.
- Selection of the best free and paid video tools
- How to leverage employee referrals for a personal introduction
- How to demonstrate your fit for each target company
- How to project confidence and authenticity
- Repurposing your videos
- Real examples: "before & after" video critiques to learn from my mistakes
📧 6. Craft Messages That Open Doors
You can do the most amazing research but if you mess this part up, it'll all be lost. Here I'll talk about how to get the person to give you their attention.
- How to craft irresistible subject lines
- Structuring your message - dos and don'ts
- Using video to leave a lasting impression and create a powerful hook
- Optimizing your call-to-action for the highest response rates
- Real examples: the email template that got me multiple replies
🎤 7. Interview Excellence
The goal is to get through the first 6 steps, but it's not over yet. No matter how well you execute the strategy, you will still need to go through *some* interviewing process.
- How to discuss your previous roles professionally
- How to project a seniority signal
- How to offer your expertise so it addresses the hiring manager's needs
- Asking questions that leave a lasting impression
🎓 8. Conclusion
By mastering the strategies in this course, you'll be equipped with a holistic system to take control of your job search and get hired faster.
- Benefits of this strategy
- How to maintain momentum
- Authenticity and individual approach are key
- How to capitalize on new opportunities as your skills and achievements grow
🎁 9. Suggestions
Additional resources and personalized tips to further support your job hunting journey.